
I'm weird and I'll talk about anything...including the most forbidden/taboo subjects. I'll hold nothing back.

You've been warned!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mr. Lube

Lube, it's a good thing. For cars and people, well at least certain body parts during certain activities. No sense in heading off the grocery store covered in Vaseline. Although, that would be rather amusing to see.

"Can we get a clean up in aisle three?"

As women we're pretty lucky. Our bodies provide our own lubrication when we need it. Masturbating is more enjoyable while wet. Fortunately we are able to buy lube for those times when our bodies are not cooperating with us.

There is too much of a good thing though.

Take for instance this one bloke, I was sleeping with. His penis/cock/manhood/whatever the fuck you call it was reasonably sized...in length that is. He was a little lacking in the girth department but no matter, I've enjoyed myself previously with less.

Just a little side note. I'm not one of those girls that needs extra lube.

Anyhow, we're doing the deed and I'm quite enjoying myself when he stops, and pulls out an industrial sized bottle of lube. "Errm. What are you doing?" I query. "It feels better when I'm properly wet" he replies. Remember the side note? I need no additional lube. He then proceeds to empty half a cup of the stuff (poor quality, and smelled rubbish to boot) onto his cock. At this point he's sliding all over the place and I can no longer feel much of anything in me....friction can be a good thing! About two minutes later, he stops and repeats the process.

Here's a tip for you guys. We women want some sort of rhythm. All the stop and start action does nothing for us.

45 minutes later he's finished and asks how it was. I snap out of my daydream, assure him he was wonderful and book it out of there as quick as I can without letting him know I'm fleeing the scene.

Needless to say he didn't get a call back from me. It's a shame. He was cute. What a waste.

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